Picture of the Day - In the Vineyard

In the Vineyard
Wonderful details of the underside of the grapevine leaves

This picture was taken in the Rudesheim, Rhine Valley. I remember it being my first day in the Valley and I took a freaking long walk from the train station to the tourist office with a 18kg backpack of food, toiletry, clothes, and equipment. Well, maybe, it wasn't so far but the load on my back definitely made the distance feel long.

I ended up booking a taxi with the assistance of the tourist officer and taking the vehicle up to the hostel. At the moment when I made the hostel booking, I never knew the phrase "overlooking the Rhine Valley" would be the curse of the location. The thought of having an overview of the Rhine Valley was just too great a photographic temptation. I had forgotten about how I am going to get up there with my barang barang. Nevertheless, I met three gal backpackers who took up the challenge; this happened when I was taking the picture above. There is a short-cut down the vineyard from the hostel to the town center. I saw the backlighted leaves of the grapevine and thought it would be an interesting picture of the details of the veins.

posted byWilliam at 7:59 PM  


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