
Will be away in China from tomorrow till 12 June. Will update as much as possible when I have Internet access while traveling.

posted byWilliam at 11:49 PM 0 comments  

Fantasising the Ideal

I think it would be rare for a man not to have, at some point in his life, dreamed of the perfect woman: her height, her shape, the length, color of her hair... I also sense that the imagination of young women (and maybe sometimes the older ones, too) can drift in similar directions. Gals, can you assure this :P?

Few of our loves of our lives would match our fantasies. The precious few. We can fall in love with anyone and be as happy (or unhappy), regardless of how well they fit our conceptions of 'perfection'. Perhaps, the idea of perfection is meaningless then. Afterall, I fall in love with a person, not an idea. Of course, there are may individual characteristics I avoid or seek out. But overall, it's a unique blend of emotional, mental and physical attributes that captivates me, repels me or leaves me, just, indifferent.

Perhaps, it's just like using a camera. I learn to use my trusty basic D50, just as I will learn to love. Working around the quirks, the unexpected felicities, the limitations, the new possibilities - all these things change me , whether I am talking about relationship or cameras. I suppose they (the troubles) can change me for the worse, leading to quarrels in the one case or selling away the camera in the other. Or they can change me for the better, leading to life-long happiness in the one case and better pictures in the other. Well, at least I am happily married to my D50 :)

Maybe I should only have ONE camera and stop thinking about redesigning it. For it will be foolish to redesign it to suit my ideas of what is 'perfect'. Perhaps no one is likely to find perfection anywhere unless he/she starts looking for it in his/her ability to adapt and to learn.

posted byWilliam at 11:02 AM 0 comments  

Food Poisoning

Terrible night. Was experiencing vomiting, cramping abdominal pains, headache and impaired consciousness; all the classic symptoms of food poisoning. Didn't sleep well at all. Thinking back, it might have been the sushi from Cold Storage on Mon since food poisoning symptoms might be delayed as long as a day.

It never beats to have a chinese physician Dad; feel so much better now after Dad's medicine and massage.

posted byWilliam at 6:30 PM 0 comments  

Birthday Celebration


Labour Day. The day was spent at Party World Orchard with my MOE friends. The place was kind of sleazy, with the entire place smelling of stale cigarette smoke. The vent hole at the room's ceiling was blackened with residue. Valerie caught her eyes on a xiao qiang even.

Anyway, the KTV session was thoroughly enjoyable though I was feeling a bit unwell then. When Val and I were singing 屋顶, the lights went out and screen played "Happy Birthday". It was so unexpected; a pleasant surprise. Never knew Party World could centralize-control all the TVs. Gals, Thank you so much!

P.S. Special thanks to Zhaoyue for giving me the "9 Habits of Highly Effective Teachers". Will digest the book thoroughly.

posted byWilliam at 6:09 PM 0 comments