Tennis @ Zi Kai's Place
Sunday, January 28, 2007
The morning was spent at Zi Kai's place playing tennis. We were joined by his brother and three of his bro's friends. What a coincidence, all of us were from TJC and three of us are from Class 15/xx (xx=year). Long time since I played tennis, rusty rusty (groove came back after a while). I spent more time chasing and picking up the balls compared to the actual time I spend running on the court and hitting the ball. Oh well, all of us were of pretty much the same standard (maybe I am the lousiest). We had a good time laughing at each other's blunders and the crazy antics. The end of the session was spent picking up the balls that were hit out of the court. The balls were playing hide-and-seek in the bushes while we, the humans, went on the searching hunt. Fun!
posted byWilliam at 7:32 PM