D50's Minor Operation
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Phew... I knew I shouldn't be doing this: I cleaned my Nikon D50's focusing screen a few minutes ago. Firstly, I should be studying (or sleeping), not doing something useless. Secondly, I shouldn't be touching or cleaning the focusing screen at all (this is a sure way of voiding the camera's warranty).
Anyway, I am super irritated by the specks of dust in the viewfinder and I knew those pesky dust bunnies were stuck on the unexposed side of the focusing screen. To take out the bunnies, I would have to remove the focusing screen for cleaning. So after doing some research on the Net, I found some instructions on taking the focusing screen out of the camera. And I did it with no injuries to the delicate interior camera parts! Super happy now...
If you're wondering why I don't want to send the camera for professional cleaning... I think Nikon Service Center (NSC) is over-charging for a technically simple but delicate job.
P.S. I also clean the camera's sensor personally. It's ridiculous that NSC charges $20-25 for sensor-cleaning when I bought all the cleaning supplies for that amount. The supplies would last me 100 jobs.
posted byWilliam at 2:08 AM